Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
One thing that did annoy me about the documentary was the statement that Crystal Meth is now the 'drug of choice' in clubbing circles. No it's not. As far as I can see it still has a stigma attached to it and there is no way on Earth it is approaching the popularity of Ecstasy or Coke in the clubbing world. Once again, people having fun and dancing to electronic music are easy scapegoats.
So, we got a call the other day asking if we could take in another cat as the pound is desperately short of foster 'parents'* and being the bleeding heart liberals that we are we couldn't refuse.
We're going to pick up the cat on Saturday under the proviso that if Fernando terrorises it we'll have to give it back to the shelter after a couple of weeks.
Stay tuned to see how they get on!
*There is a cat/dog pound here in Melbourne that recruits people to look after it's animals until permanent homes are found for them.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
So we (me and her) went along to the
Anyway, the night was good with the highlight being the Australian getting beaten in the home straight in the 5,000m. Only joking! I was supporting him really but it was clear that the Kenyan guy who won was as relaxed as a Koala bear on a tropical holiday during the race and just sped away when it came to the second half of the last lap.
The Women's hammer was amusing - an
The general atmosphere in the ground was great and I was pleased to hear that Australian crowds have still not thought of a follow up hit to the only chant they've ever known - Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi. I guess you cannot improve perfection though eh?
Congratulations to Connex and organisers for getting 80,000 people home with a minimum of fuss. Rather a contrast to that in the
In other Commonwealth Games news, I see that the most laughable statement ever uttered: 'Australians are good sports' has been proven to be a load of bollocks once again. Check out this article from The Age which although reports that some English bloke won a swimming medal can't help but suggest the whole way through that he only won it due to Thorpe's absence. Priceless.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I mean, how the hell does anyone have time for work anymore? Are we moving to an economy where people who use the internet the most will simply get paid for doing that? I mean, you can already make money from writing a blog - if you get enough traffic and they click through your Google ads then cher-ching! You're in the money. And for what? People can in effect now earn dual incomes by going to one workplace. Spending half the time on the web and half the time doing what you are meant to be doing to earn your salary. Does this mean that those people who have the most opinions will be the richest? If so bring it on. I can't wait to be a millionare!
Monday, March 20, 2006
In The Times, Andrew Sullivan writes a compelling piece about how the Bush Administration is running out of breath (and hopefully running out of votes come the Autumn Mid Term Elections).
On a lighter note, go on FULHAM! Nice to see that the Chelsea fans took their defeat with the good grace we have been acustomed to expect from them. Still 12 points clear mind you. But pffft to that. Everyone knows that the Carling Cup is the only competition that matters...