Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So we (me and her) went along to the British Empire and Commonwealth Games last night (Monday) to catch some athletics action. Now, I haven't watched much athletics recently but when exactly did England get to be so shit? Whereas we once had Linford, Sally and Colin we now have a team of nobody nohopers. Fuck, we only managed to get one bloke in the men's 100 metres for christsakes! Where did it all go wrong? I was looking forward to creaming the Aussies at the Athletics but it looks as if I'll have to hear 'Advance Australia Fair' even bloody more. Boo.

Anyway, the night was good with the highlight being the Australian getting beaten in the home straight in the 5,000m. Only joking! I was supporting him really but it was clear that the Kenyan guy who won was as relaxed as a Koala bear on a tropical holiday during the race and just sped away when it came to the second half of the last lap.

The Women's hammer was amusing - an Australia won and she was the stereotypical hammer thrower. I have always believed that Hammer (and shot put) throwers are the size they are due to the demands of their sport. But this belief was shattered last night when I saw the Welsh hammer thrower who was a 'normal' size (i.e. under twenty stone) and seemed to be not half bad at throwing. So, it shows that the rest of them really are just addicted to pies and ice cream for no reason other than gluttoney.

The general atmosphere in the ground was great and I was pleased to hear that Australian crowds have still not thought of a follow up hit to the only chant they've ever known - Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi. I guess you cannot improve perfection though eh?

Congratulations to Connex and organisers for getting 80,000 people home with a minimum of fuss. Rather a contrast to that in the UK where people are generally left to fend for themselves. I mean 250,000 people descended on Brighton to see Fatboy Slim and guess how many extra trains were put on? None. Yes, None. The rail unions probably decided to hold a last minute strike just to fuck off everyone even more. Cunts.

In other Commonwealth Games news, I see that the most laughable statement ever uttered: 'Australians are good sports' has been proven to be a load of bollocks once again. Check out this article from The Age which although reports that some English bloke won a swimming medal can't help but suggest the whole way through that he only won it due to Thorpe's absence. Priceless.


Shaun said...


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, I thought you were telling him he needed to load up on scotch & was building up a big slap for you (not that I could work out how it related to his post)

Now I get it......

Shaun said...

I still don't get it. *thick*