Tuesday, March 21, 2006

mmm...The amount of things to do on the internet seems to be ever increasing. I mean first you have to check the news from various sources. Then it's off to the blogosphere with ever increasing amounts of commentary to read. Then it's time to make sure your Plaxo contacts are up to date and syncronised. Then onto checking your personal email in the hope of finding one that's actually from someone you know as opposed to the erectile disfunction clinic. Once that's done it's time to download the latest Podcasts and listen to them. And by the time you've done all that you've forgotten to check the sports results out or check your mate's blog and post on various internet forums. In between all of this you have to keep updating your own blog in the desperate hope that eventually more people than just your two best friends will start to read it.

I mean, how the hell does anyone have time for work anymore? Are we moving to an economy where people who use the internet the most will simply get paid for doing that? I mean, you can already make money from writing a blog - if you get enough traffic and they click through your Google ads then cher-ching! You're in the money. And for what? People can in effect now earn dual incomes by going to one workplace. Spending half the time on the web and half the time doing what you are meant to be doing to earn your salary. Does this mean that those people who have the most opinions will be the richest? If so bring it on. I can't wait to be a millionare!

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