Friday, May 19, 2006

Terrorist Trial

Faheem Khalid Lodhi's case in the trial currently being played out in a Sydney court is not exactly watertight is it?

Lodhi is accused of planning to bomb various sites around Sydney including Electricity substations and defence sites.

The defence asked why he had notes of how to make bombs lying around his house. According to his solicitor, Mr Boulten, he is just the inquisitive type:

"He was curious when he saw the information, perhaps foolishly he was interested," Mr Boulten said. "He, for no particular purpose, was attracted to it and wrote the details down. He had never subsequently paid attention to these notes."

Yeah, I must say it's a common thing for me too. In the midst of my Google searches for Paris Hilton and Britney I often stumble across sites like where I accidentally come across instructions on how to make up bombs. And you know what I did upon hitting these sites? Well, the only logical thing that came to mind was to write the instructions and recipes down - why? Well, I'm just that kinda guy, I like things to be recorded and written down. Call it OCD if you will. No other reason, I promise.

When asked why he had a mobile phone account in a false name, Mr Lodhi stated that there was nothing untoward in this and doing such a thing was merely a 'bad habit' of Pakistani people. Eh?Picking your nose is a bad habit, biting your nails is a bad habit, smoking is a bad habit. But deliberately setting up a mobile phone account in a false name? That's a bad habit? I can just imagine it: 'Sorry Mr Vodafone, but everytime I fill in a contract I just can't help putting down a false name - I've tried everything - patches, hypnotism, I've even read "Allen Carr's Easyway to stop lying on Mobile Phone Contracts". But I just can't help it!'

And today comes the news that he lied about his name on various communications and of course it was just a mistake. Come on prosecutors - give the guy a break - everyone forgets their own name from time to time. I've lost count the amount of times I've called myself Dave or Simon or Martin. It's so easily done. Haven't you done it before? You haven't? Seriously? Shit.

I think the defence argument in this case is as strong as that expressed by men who go to Casualty with a broom sticks stuck up their arses. 'What happened?' asks the Nurse, "Well', replies the man', I was walking around naked and blow me but I fell over and landed straight on this lubricated broom stick. What a bloody terrible coincidence!'

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Go Paris! Down with Pink!

Kaka Mak puts up a spirited defence of Paris Hilton.

She says that many people dislike Paris because she is a 'whore'. Erm, that's exactly the reason why I like her! ha ha

Via: Erza Klein

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Big Bros Antics

Michael was unveiled on Big Brother last night as Big Brother's 'insider'. If you haven't been watching Big Brother then I won't bore you with the details of what that involved or what it means since you clearly won't give a flying monkeys about it. I suggest you probably stop reading now in fact.

However, for the rest of you, I'll continue.

Now, you'd think in a competitive gameshow environment that the housemates would have forgiven Michael for the tricks he played on them as the insider as he had no choice in the matter (do it or be evicted). However, some of them completely lost the plot and there were more tears shed in the house than there were in my back garden when England lost to Argentina in 1998. WTF? Are these bunch of morons so emotionally retarded that they cannot cope with the fact that someone manipulated them in A GAME SHOW - And through no fault of his own I may add.

David looked like he'd just seen his Mum get buggered by Steve Irwin as he sulked his way through the evening and proclaimed that people like Michael were the reason why he lived 5 hours drive from Brisbane in the middle of nowhere. Well good! I'm glad you live out there you pathetic excuse for a human being. What good would you be in a city anyway? You probably couldn't cope with more than two cars being on the road at one time and would have a nervous breakdown everytime someone asked you for some spare change to feed their smack addiction.

Anna, the uber-bitch, also started blubbing like the snivelling little cow she is as she explained that Michael's fabricated story about custody of his 'child' was emotionally damaging to her as she never grew up with a dad either. Oh dear. Anna, yes you, stupid blonde bitch in the corner - IT"S A GAME SHOW - HE HAD TO DO IT. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ANNOYING BINT.

Krystal, the daughter of 'hippy' Karen, who likes to spend 6 hours a day trying to make herself look as unattractive as possible also joined in on the moral pontification saying '"He was already being annoying enough! It's such a sensitive topic, for me who never met my father." What else is a sensitive subject for you? Maybe that your fake tits DON'T make you interesting, that you apply 15 tonnes of slap to your face every day in a vain attempt to look attractive (fuck, this girl puts on new make up when she has a shit) or that you are a bland, boring, uninspiring retard. I reckon the fence outside my house has more opinions than you do.

But saying that, some people did act appropriately and honorable mentions must go to John, Gaelan and Katie. Who all appear not to have had their sense of perspective and humour removed from their brains before entering the house.

As for Michael, yeah I still think he's a cunt. But a cunt I now feel a little sorry for.

Britney's in trouble again

Britney's bad driving hits the news again!

Iran Football

The Nation's David Zirn and John Cox report on a disgraceful attempt by conservatives to try and prevent football mad Iran from going to the World Cup in Germany... They correctly point out that if any country should be banned from going, due to their leader's belligerent attitude towards world affairs, surely that country should be the US of A. After all, they are the ones who launched an illegal war based on lies - when was the last time Iran did that?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Robbie Rooting A Toff

Tara Palmer Tomkinson has been shagging Robbie Williams. My wife will be very jealous indeed...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Tabloid Hysteria

Further to my post here on the 12 year old Girl who is pregnant in Edinburgh, here is a thoughtful piece on the matter from the Guardian's Libby Brooks.