Friday, February 09, 2007

Stupid People Get Run Over. Let's ban iPods!

OK - so yesterday I had a good old rant about Motorists and their incessant tirades against the 'nanny state'.

Well today I came across a proposal that really is an example of nanny statism gone mad. And yes, I realise I already sound like a Daily Mail article. You know the kind: 'I was prosecuted for calling a black man a n*gger, it's political correctness gone MAD I tell you!

In the good ol'US of A, like here in Australia, people aren't trusted to walk across the road based on their own judgement and reasoning - they are fined if they don't act like good little sheep and obey the green and red lights at pedestrian crossings.

Now, some fuckwits have crossed the road in New York with their iPods on and they've been run over. Run over because they obviously weren't looking properly whilst making the journey from one pavement to the other. They didn't die because they were listening to their iPods - they died because they were fucking stupid and didn't look out for cars. So what's the "solution" to this "problem"? I'd say there was no problem, it's natural selection in action. But no, something other than their own stupidity MUST be to blame so New York City Council are proposing that people get fined if they listen to their iPod earphones whilst crossing the road.


What the fuck is going on here? Surely walkmans and portable music devices have been around for over 20 years - what is it about iPod usage that so enrages the legislators whom seem hellbent to enshrine laws against their use. THIS IS MADNESS.

Luckily, in Australia the proposal has been dismissed by the NSW police chief who the Age report "warned against legislating for "stupidity".


Thursday, February 08, 2007

McClaren must go!

So, the scandal that is Steve McClaren holding the position of England coach continues with yet another pisspoor performance.

I predict England will lose or draw in Israel in March and we'll be waving Steve a very eager goodbye. And not before time.

War on motorists! Where do I sign up?

Motorists. What a funny bunch of people they are. I am one myself but think of myself as completely detached from the ever increasing number of them who doing nothing but moan about the 'restrictions' that are placed on their 'right' to drive as they wish.

How many times have you read or heard someone banging on about the 'outrage' that are speed cameras or the 'outrage' that is having your car clamped? How many times? I'm guessing fuck loads. What they seemingly fail to realise is that if you DON'T speed or DON'T park in illegal parking spots then guess what? You won't get fined, you won't get a points penalty on your license, you won't ultimately lose your license. It's not hard is it? It's like every other law of the land. You break it, you suffer the consequences.

Now, you can protest against these laws and try and get them overturned but whilst they are in effect you have to realise that you will be punished if caught. If you don't speed or drink drive or park illegally you won't get wound up by yet another demand for a fine payment dropping through your letterbox. It's the actions of the individual that cause them to get wound up by the 'nanny state' NOT the Government which is merely trying to enforce the law. Speed Cameras are only revenue machines IF people speed. If everyone obeyed the speed limit then there would be no revenue. It's really quite simple. If the militant motorists out there really wanted to protest against the Government then the most logical thing would be for them to STOP speeding so that the Government revenue then dries up. Everyone is then a winner, drivers aren't fined, people aren't killed by irresponsible drivers and I can stop listening to people moaning about the government's 'War on Motorists'

I have been caught speeding before and was fined. I paid the fine. And that was that. I cannot argue against the fine - I was going 10k over the limit. Fair cop guv, you got me.

It seems to me that motorists who cannot take responsibility for their actions are every bit as bad as those people who sue councils because they trip over a twig on the street or those people who sue MacDonalds because they have got fat through eating 20 burgers a day. The government only has to act like a nanny if people act like children. Act responsibly and there'd be no need for speed cameras on every corner.