Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fernando V Alexis

So I promised I would keep you all up to date with the story of how our cats are getting along. Those who know us know that we have a rather curmudgeonly but utterly adorable cat called Fernando. Here is a picture of him in a big pile of leaves in our backyard:

We got Fernando from the Save A Dog scheme in Malvern, Melbourne. They have loads of cats and dogs that have been picked up by the council warden and have been abandoned by their owners. You can either adopt the animals or foster them until they find permanent homes. We ended up adopting Fernando but because the shelter desperately needs foster families we agreed to foster a small black cat called Layla.

Now, Fernando didn't like Layla. In fact he hated her and there wasn't a day went by when he wasn't trying to tear her apart from limb to limb. So although we were sad when Layla left we were happy for her as it meant she would finally be able to spend her days without the fear of being brutally killed.

Then a week ago we got a call from Save the Dog asking if we could foster another as there were so many cats there in need of homes. We agreed on the proviso that we could return the cat if, as was likely, Fernando didn't like it. We picked up the new cat, Alexis, on Saturday. She is a gorgeous looking creature and very very elegant and princess like. Here's a rather unflattering picture of her:

I expected more cat inspired fireworks in my backyard so thought it would be an interesting addition to my blog to let you know how they are getting along but I'm afraid it's been somewhat of a non story.

When they first met Alexis hissed at him in that terrifying way that cats do. Fernando snarled a little but then just couldn't be arsed and just slumped on the floor. And that's been the end of their antagonism really. Fernando has been watching her every move though and appears to be following a containment policy in much the same way Clinton contained Saddam. Maybe Fernando realised the errors of his George W Bush (i.e. attack first, think later) methods with Layla and has decided he has better things to do with his time (like sleep).

Hell, they even shared a bed with each other last night. Admittedly at opposite ends but who knows it could be the start of something beautiful. I'll keep you updated if anything significant happens but it looks as if I am going to have to think of something else to fill this webpage up with. Bugger.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww Fernando - he's so gorgeous. Give him a stroke from me will you :o)

Anonymous said...

lol that you got a cat to spice up your blog!!!!!