Thursday, March 30, 2006

Even by her usual standards yesterday's op-ed piece in The Australian from Janet Albrechtsen is breaktaking in it's chutzpah. Instead of writing about the real villians in the AWB scandal - the AWB Management/DFAT/Government Ministers - she took this opportunity to lay into those namby pamby lily livered liberals who promote corporate responsibility. Yes, once again those damned bleeding hearts are the real problem! Not the men who put profits before ethics or Government ministers who turned a blind eye to illegal activities.

The problem with Janet is that she is so blinded by her hatred of the 'left' that she fails to see what is right in front of her eyes.


Shaun said...

You are beginning to disturb me '73' - agreeing with Albrechtsen is a highly suspect 'quality' in a person ;)

Shaun said...

my point was that surely she should be writing about the real villians in this sorry saga rather than just using the story as an excuse to attack those on the liberal/left. If you read her columns reguarly you'll know that this happens all too frequently.