Thursday, June 15, 2006

Football Camera Work

One of the problems I've always had with watching Aussie Rules on TV is that the camera focuses far too much close up on the player who has the ball and not the field as a whole so you have no idea who the player wants to pass to, where the goal is etc etc This makes the whole spectacle, in my opinion, appear as if it's just one unorganised scrum for the ball. You can get no sense of the tactics on display, you can't shout at the TV 'PASS TO HIM YOU FUCKER!" because you can't see where 'him' is.

The Age has noticed that the camera work is different for football and doesn't seem impressed with it. In game such as football, where tactics are everything, it's absolutely vital that the game is seen from a wide angle. If the player with the ball was focused on all the time then how could you tell who he should pass to, where he should aim his shot, when he should cross? Let's keep the close ups for the moments that really matter eh?

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