Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wahey! It's St fucking Patricks day! Hurrah. The manufacturers of green felt must be beside themselves with glee this time every year as everyman and his dog seems to have an uncontrollable urge to go out and buy one of these:
Yes, the obligatory big green hat.

Why do people go so crazy over a day that inevitably means squeezing into some ultra shit Irish pub, listening to Clannad, doing the riverdance and drinking pints of black gunk?

I see the yearly parade in New York has gone smoothly - what a delightful man John Dunleavy is eh? The Irish-American community seemed to have no qualms about funding an organisation that was blowing up & maiming innocent people left, right and centre but let a few gay boys mince along with the parade - No fucking way!

Happy St Patricks Day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Green felt? Black gunk? That's my heritage you're insulting Rowland. And what, pray, is wrong with Clannad? ;o)