Tuesday, June 20, 2006

USA and 'Soccer'

The Guardian World Cup blog has an American perspective on the World Cup.

Lots of the usual anti 'soccer' nonesense from American contributors as well can be found below the main piece. My favourite is this:

'It's fun to watch the fans and soak in the excitement. But the game itself is not exciting to many Americans for the following reasons -
1. Not enough scoring 2. lack of control of the ball 3. the team that gets ahead almost always wins 4. ties.
What would help? Do away with offsides. Let players use their hands at least in some capacity (we do have four limbs). No ties.'

What would help? Does the most popular sport in the world need help I ask you? The arrogance of Americans in suggesting that the sport be changed just to meet their particular sensibilities is breathtaking. The fact is we like it that the Yanks don't like football. We don't want them to get involved and ruin it (yes that includes you Glazer), they can take their 'PKs' and their stupid club names and fuck right off*

* saying that, I did support USA the other day against the Italians. Not because I wanted America to win however, I just always enjoy seeing the cunting Italians lose.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

Excellent use of the verb 'to twat' there! I salute you sir. :)