Thursday, April 27, 2006

Labour's woes

Labour are in their worst trouble in the UK since the 1992 election. The government is lurching from one disaster to another with the latest one being that a Home Office blunder has meant that 1023 criminals have been accidently released onto the streets of the UK rather than deported. Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, is hanging on to his job but it is clear that his position is untenable and he will have to resign.

Add to this Patricia Hewitt's embarrassing appearance before NHS workers (although being booed by a union is not necessarily a bad thing) and Prescott's extra-marital affair and the impression is of a government that is adrift.

But not all is lost. Labour's poll figures at the moment are at a 19 year low but the Conservative opposition do not seem to be benefiting as they should as they are only 2% ahead of Labour. For a Government, 9 years in, and perceived to be in 'crisis' these are amazing figures for Labour. Remember, in Australia where the Howard government is still wildly popular the Labor Party are 2% ahead in the polls. If the Tories were a realistic prospect then they would surely expect to be 10% ahead in the polls at this stage?

I agree with this Times Leader that Blair is running out of chances. He must have a full cabinet reshuffle and make sure that this time he gets it right. One more day like yesterday and I think Blair's time will be up. I have enormous respect for him (Iraq not withstanding) but I think that it is getting close to the stage where Brown will need to come in and renew the party and get them focussed on the job in hand - improving public services and making sure Labour are re-elected in 2008/9.

I've been constantly supportive of Blair and have wanted him to stay on for this full term but the future of Labour means more to me than the future of one individual and if Blair is becoming a liability to Labour it is time for him to step aside. I'll give you one more chance Tony...

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