Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's not often I agree with an Australian columnist but Matt Price is bang on the money with this. Adam and Steve getting married does not threaten the basis of my marriage to my wife and why anyone thinks that it would threaten marriage is beyond me. Surely it is a conservative position to want two people to enter a legal contract and pledge life long monogamy to each other. The Right's bigotry is what stops this happening not their desire to protect 'family values'. The case for civil unions is compelling there is simply no good reason (not even one) to prevent them going ahead.

Labor's position on this has been pathetic (as usual) and a betrayal of the values the liberal left should hold dear. The pressure on the government is coming from within it's own party which reminds me of the concessions Georgiou & Moyland wrought from the government regarding the refugee situation.

How sad is that? That the Labor opposition are so utterly lame that the only effective opposition to government policy now comes from within their own ranks.

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