Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Britney Video and hot lesbian action

Just when you thought that Kevin Federline couldn't be more of an utter scumbag it emerges that he is threatening to sell the sex tape he has of him and Britney getting fruity together. Now, you might think that I would be well up for seeing Britney sans clothes and involved in kinky pursuits and you would be right except that I don't want to see her getting fucked by the person that turned her from steaming hot love goddess to downtrodden, bad skinned, fat trailer trash. It would just be wrong. Mind you, I will give it a look anyway just for blog research purposes ;) There's no harm in that surely?

What's definitely not wrong though is the prospect of Beyonce and Eva Longoria getting jiggy with each other. They are due to star in a forthcoming production of the lesbian romp novel, Tipping the Velvet. How many girls up and down the country will be enthused about accompanying their slightly over eager boyfriends to the cinema to watch this one? I am sure many women were just a bit disturbed at the look in their partner's eyes when they witnessed that scene from Wildthings between Denise Richards and Neve Campbell. Mind you, I am sure the prospect of Beyonce and Eva getting it on is exciting enough to turn even the most straight women slightly bi-curious. This could herald the biggest increase in threesome activity in history. Hurrah! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was at uni my video of Wild Things was subject from so much rewind action from my male housemates that 'that' scene ended up being crackly and unwatchable....