Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bang My

I always look at my Stat Counter with a feeling of disappointment at my low readership numbers but also with happiness that at least one person other than the wife is looking at my ramblings.

Anyway, I checked out today from which sites my readers are coming from. I was amused to see the following URL in the list of sites from which people had clicked through to Well, Clearly.

Mmm...that sounds interesting I thought. I have had an Austrian visitor and they found the site by searching for the term 'bangmyass' on Google Austria. And indeed if you click the link above you'll see little old me 5th down on the list. I can't help but feel that the searcher was maybe a tad disappointed when he clicked on the link and instead of gaping assholes he saw a rant about the Labour Party. hee hee.


Anonymous said...

Shaun I read your blog! Anything to take me away from payment gateways and encryption algorithms :-*

Anonymous said...

Me too! I read it every day... when you bother to write it ;o)

Elizabeth said...

I don't even know where my stat counter is. Always quite horrified when people tell me that they read my blog.